SERMONS"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." -- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 |
Acts 17:1-15 I. Intro Big Idea: Jesus was wounded so we can receive peace. II. Persuaded A. Jesus’ scars bring healing. Isaiah 53:4-11; Acts 17:1-3; 1 Peter 2:24 B. Christianity is reasonable. Acts 17:3-4 III. Bad Characters A. Out of control behavior often comes from a need to control. Acts 17:5: Romans 2:24 B. If we live out who we are in Christ, we’re going to stand out. Acts 17:5-9 IV. More Noble A. Paul was driven by Christ’s loyal love. Acts 17:10 B. Our faith does not rest on man’s wisdom, but on God’s power. Acts 17:11-12; 1 Corinthians 2:5 V. Moving On A. Jesus willingly endured shame to bring you to God. Luke 19:41-44; Acts 17:13; Hebrews 12:1-2 B. We can help people to become self-feeders. Acts 17:14-15 Plans
Acts 16:1-40 I. Intro. Big Idea: We have our plans, but God’s plans are better. John 3:16 II. Closed Doors A. When we focus on the gospel, the gospel goes forward. Acts 16:1-5; 2 Timothy 1:5 B. God was the one who was working, but Paul and his friends were faithful to proclaim all they saw Him doing! Acts 16:6-10 III. Opened Heart A. “Get going, and trust God.” J.I. Packer. Acts 16:11-14 B. Lydia believed through a simple conversation. Acts 16:14-15 IV. Slavery A. There’s power in the name of Jesus. Acts 16:16-18 B. This slave girl was liberated spiritually with drastic results. Acts 16:19-21 V. Trembling A. Amid our worst days — God is at work. Acts 16:22-28 B. We can wallow in our disappointment or get up and find ourselves surrounded by God’s grace. Acts 16:29-40 Clarity
Acts 15:1-29 I. Intro Big Idea: The gospel unburden s us from the past to move forward into a new future. II. Certain People A. The Jews thought their religion equaled a relationship with God. Acts 15:1-3; Galatians 3:10 B. Defining love helps us to live in it and live it out! Acts 15:4-5 III. Consider A. The Law reminds of the cost of entering God’s presence. Acts 15:6-7 B. Religion adds burdens, the gospel subtracts them. Acts 15:8-11 IV. Agreement A. James used his influence to point people to the Bible. Acts 15:12-18 B. Guidelines were given for the sake of unity. Acts 15:19-21 V. Distinct A. Jesus became vulnerable for us. Acts 15:22-26 B. We have opportunity for unity in Christ. Acts 15:27-28 Strong
Acts 14:1-28 I. Intro Big Idea: God’s strength delivers people. II. Bold A. We’re always communicating something. Acts 14:1-3 B. We need to be intentional. Matthew 10:34; Acts 14:4-10; 2 Corinthians 2:15-16 III. Humble A. Jesus came to resolve our biggest problem. Acts 4:11-13 B. Paul and Barnabas were bold, and humble. Acts 4:14-18 IV. Narrow A. Popular opinion is a dangerous thing. Matthew 7:13-14: Acts 4:19 B. Expect pushback. Acts 4:19-20; 2 Corinthians 11:16-33; Galatians 6:17 V. Discipleship A. Paul trusted the discipleship process to God through the local church. Acts 4:21-25 B. God is able to do more than all we ask or imagine. Acts 4:26-28; Ephesians 3:20
Strong Acts 14:1-28 I. Intro Big Idea: God’s strength delivers people. II. Bold A. We’re always communicating something. Acts 14:1-3 B. We need to be intentional. Matthew 10:34; Acts 14:4-10; 2 Corinthians 2:15-16 III. Humble A. Jesus came to resolve our biggest problem. Acts 4:11-13 B. Paul and Barnabas were bold, and humble. Acts 4:14-18 IV. Narrow A. Popular opinion is a dangerous thing. Matthew 7:13-14: Acts 4:19 B. Expect pushback. Acts 4:19-20; 2 Corinthians 11:16-33; Galatians 6:17 V. Discipleship A. Paul trusted the discipleship process to God through the local church. Acts 4:21-25 B. God is able to do more than all we ask or imagine. Acts 4:26-28; Ephesians 3:20 Clarity Acts 15:1-29 I. Intro Big Idea: The gospel unburden s us from the past to move forward into a new future. II. Certain People A. The Jews thought their religion equaled a relationship with God. Acts 15:1-3; Galatians 3:10 B. Defining love helps us to live in it and live it out! Acts 15:4-5 III. Consider A. The Law reminds of the cost of entering God’s presence. Acts 15:6-7 B. Religion adds burdens, the gospel subtracts them. Acts 15:8-11 IV. Agreement A. James used his influence to point people to the Bible. Acts 15:12-18 B. Guidelines were given for the sake of unity. Acts 15:19-21 V. Distinct A. Jesus became vulnerable for us. Acts 15:22-26 B. We have opportunity for unity in Christ. Acts 15:27-28 Plans Acts 16:1-40 I. Intro. Big Idea: We have our plans, but God’s plans are better. John 3:16 II. Closed Doors A. When we focus on the gospel, the gospel goes forward. Acts 16:1-5; 2 Timothy 1:5 B. God was the one who was working, but Paul and his friends were faithful to proclaim all they saw Him doing! Acts 16:6-10 III. Opened Heart A. “Get going, and trust God.” J.I. Packer. Acts 16:11-14 B. Lydia believed through a simple conversation. Acts 16:14-15 IV. Slavery A. There’s power in the name of Jesus. Acts 16:16-18 B. This slave girl was liberated spiritually with drastic results. Acts 16:19-21 V. Trembling A. Amid our worst days — God is at work. Acts 16:22-28 B. We can wallow in our disappointment or get up and find ourselves surrounded by God’s grace. Acts 16:29-40 Reason Acts 17:1-15 I. Intro Big Idea: Jesus was wounded so we can receive peace. II. Persuaded A. Jesus’ scars bring healing. Isaiah 53:4-11; Acts 17:1-3; 1 Peter 2:24 B. Christianity is reasonable. Acts 17:3-4 III. Bad Characters A. Out of control behavior often comes from a need to control. Acts 17:5: Romans 2:24 B. If we live out who we are in Christ, we’re going to stand out. Acts 17:5-9 IV. More Noble A. Paul was driven by Christ’s loyal love. Acts 17:10 B. Our faith does not rest on man’s wisdom, but on God’s power. Acts 17:11-12; 1 Corinthians 2:5 V. Moving On A. Jesus willingly endured shame to bring you to God. Luke 19:41-44; Acts 17:13; Hebrews 12:1-2 B. We can help people to become self-feeders. Acts 17:14-15 |
January 2025