SERMONS"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." -- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 |
Distinction Acts 10:1-48 I. Intro Big Idea: Our trust in the gospel is part of God’s plan to reach the world. II. Devout A. Cornelius sought Yahweh. B. God prepares us to receive Christ’s forgiveness. Romans 11:6; Ephesians 2:8 III. Invited A. Peter was still trusting in his own righteousness. Matthew 15:16-19 B. We’re meant to be one in Christ. Galatians 3:26-29 IV. Expectant A. Everyone realized they were in God’s presence and were eager to hear God’s Word. B. God is not a face receiver. Acts 10:34 V. Unstoppable A. Do something simple. B. Be distinguished by grace. Christian Acts 11:19-30 I. Intro Big Idea: God changes us, to change the world. II. Good News A. Christians scatter. B. Often the best ideas are right in front of us. III. Uncertain News A. The church in Antioch was different. B. Barnabas gave courage. IV. Teaching A. Sometimes to further God’s work we need to step aside. B. Radical unity exemplifies the gospel. V. Gifts A. God’s grace makes us gracious. B. God picks unlikely people, in unlikely places, to bring about His kingdom. Weak Acts 12:1-24 I. Intro Big Idea: We either live to exalt ourselves, or Christ. II. Praying A. The way James lived and died made a difference for Gods kingdom. Acts 12:1-2 B. Everything Herod did was for the approval of people. Acts 12:3-5 III. Deliverance A. God cannot be mocked. Acts 12:6-11; Galatians 6:7 B. The disciples prayed for what God was in the middle of accomplishing. Acts 12:12-17 IV. Destruction A. Those around Herod suffered. Acts 12:18-19 B. Herod’s final moments were a tribute to his self-centered life. Acts 12:20-23; Romans 6:23 V. Flourishing A. We won’t always see the results of trusting God. Acts 12:24 B. In Christ, the way down is really the way up. James 4:10 Appointed Acts 13:13-52 I. Intro Big Idea: If we exalt Christ, we can trust Him with the results of our faithfulness. II. Back Story A. John Mark failed to count the cost. Acts 13:13-14 B. Sometimes the best way to share our hope is to begin with the hopes we share. Acts 13:14-22 III. The Savior A. Paul challenged them to apply what they knew into actual faith. Acts 13:23-25 B Before Paul pointed out to their sin — he proclaimed the Savior. Deuteronomy 21:23; Acts 13:26-29 IV. Resurrection A. Resurrection is a specific hope. Acts 13:30-35 B. There is a time to share the truth. Acts 13:36-37 V. Response A. There must be a “you-moment.” Acts 13:38-41 B God’s looking for the willing. Ezekiel 22:30; Acts 13:42-52 |
January 2025