SERMONS"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." -- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 |
Luke 1:26-38 I. Intro Big Idea: God offers the burden of His love. II. Mary A. God broke into His broken creation. B. God trusted our salvation to a teenage girl. III. Favored A. God’s grace arrives in unexpected ways. B. God takes the initiative in revealing His love. IV. Conceive A. We need a perfect, infinite Savior. B. Jesus’ conception is unprecedented. V. Fulfilled A. Recognize you need a Savior. B. Respond to God’s work on your behalf. Follow-Up Questions Why is the virgin conception of Jesus important? How have you experienced God’s grace in an unexpected way? How can God’s love be a burden? In what way(s) does Mary’s example challenge or inspire you? What’s a specific way you can respond to Luke 1:26-38 through a change of thinking, attitude, or action? Joy
Luke 2:15-20 I. Intro Big Idea: Seeking Jesus leads to joy. II. Let’s Go A. Seeking Jesus requires drastic measures. Luke 2:15a B. Consider the source. Luke 2:15b III. Hurried A. Seeking Jesus is costly. Luke 2:16; 2 Corinthians 6:2 B. Faith risks. Luke 2:17 IV. Ponder A. It’s possible to be amazed and not have faith. Luke 2:18 B. Faith treasures Christ. Luke 2:19; 1 Peter 1:17-21 V. Glorify A. Seeking Jesus transforms the ordinary. Luke 2:20a; 2 Corinthians 3:18 B. Seeking Jesus turns us right side up. Matthew 7:7; Luke 2:20b The Next Step
Luke 2:8-14 I. Intro Big Idea: Discover peace in God’s forgiveness. II. Glory A. The shepherds were unprepared to meet God. Luke 2:8 B. God’s glory broke into our world. Luke 2:9; Hebrews 1:14 III. Fear Not A. The angel displaced the shepherd’s fear. Luke 2:10a B. The gospel is not exclusive. Luke 2:10b; 2 Corinthians 6:1-2 IV. A Sign A. Jesus came to save us. Luke 2:11 B. It was uncommon to see a baby in a feeding trough. Luke 2:12 1 V. Favor A. We’re created to be at peace. Luke 2:13 B. God’s grace causes worship. Isaiah 53:1; Luke 2:14 Things to Consider
Hope Luke 2:1-7 I. Intro Big Idea: The truth of Christmas is better than the image. II. Providence A. Christmas brings hope into focus. Isaiah 11:1-10; Luke 2:1 B. Christmas causes us to consider God’s timing. Luke 2:2; Romans 8:28; Hebrews 2:10 III. Bethlehem A. Sometimes we wonder why we must do certain things. Luke 2:3 B. Sometimes we wonder why we’re in certain places. Micah 5:2; Luke 2:4 IV. A Child A. Christmas can cause us to consider what matters most. Luke 2:5 B. In Christmas God gave us what we need most. Luke 2:6; Revelation 5:9; 13:8 V. Available A. We can receive God’s gift to us. Luke 2:7a B. We can make ourselves available for God’s purposes. Luke 2:7b The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Peace Luke 2:8-14 I. Intro Big Idea: Discover peace in God’s forgiveness. II. Glory A. The shepherds were unprepared to meet God. Luke 2:8 B. God’s glory broke into our world. Luke 2:9; Hebrews 1:14 III. Fear Not A. The angel displaced the shepherd’s fear. Luke 2:10a B. The gospel is not exclusive. Luke 2:10b; 2 Corinthians 6:1-2 IV. A Sign A. Jesus came to save us. Luke 2:11 B. It was uncommon to see a baby in a feeding trough. Luke 2:12 1 V. Favor A. We’re created to be at peace. Luke 2:13 B. God’s grace causes worship. Isaiah 53:1; Luke 2:14 Things to Consider
Joy Luke 2:15-20 I. Intro Big Idea: Seeking Jesus leads to joy. II. Let’s Go A. Seeking Jesus requires drastic measures. Luke 2:15a B. Consider the source. Luke 2:15b III. Hurried A. Seeking Jesus is costly. Luke 2:16; 2 Corinthians 6:2 B. Faith risks. Luke 2:17 IV. Ponder A. It’s possible to be amazed and not have faith. Luke 2:18 B. Faith treasures Christ. Luke 2:19; 1 Peter 1:17-21 V. Glorify A. Seeking Jesus transforms the ordinary. Luke 2:20a; 2 Corinthians 3:18 B. Seeking Jesus turns us right side up. Matthew 7:7; Luke 2:20b The Next Step
Love Luke 1:26-38 I. Intro Big Idea: God offers the burden of His love. II. Mary A. God broke into His broken creation. B. God trusted our salvation to a teenage girl. III. Favored A. God’s grace arrives in unexpected ways. B. God takes the initiative in revealing His love. IV. Conceive A. We need a perfect, infinite Savior. B. Jesus’ conception is unprecedented. V. Fulfilled A. Recognize you need a Savior. B. Respond to God’s work on your behalf. Follow-Up Questions
Character Traits Mark 5:21-43 Sermon Notes not available for this week. Hope
Luke 2:1-7 I. Intro Big Idea: The truth of Christmas is better than the image. II. Providence A. Christmas brings hope into focus. Isaiah 11:1-10; Luke 2:1 B. Christmas causes us to consider God’s timing. Luke 2:2; Romans 8:28; Hebrews 2:10 III. Bethlehem A. Sometimes we wonder why we must do certain things. Luke 2:3 B. Sometimes we wonder why we’re in certain places. Micah 5:2; Luke 2:4 IV. A Child A. Christmas can cause us to consider what matters most. Luke 2:5 B. In Christmas God gave us what we need most. Luke 2:6; Revelation 5:9; 13:8 V. Available A. We can receive God’s gift to us. Luke 2:7a B. We can make ourselves available for God’s purposes. Luke 2:7b The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
February 2025