SERMONS"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." -- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 |
Faith Mark 6:1-6 I. Intro Big Idea: Faith matters. II. Home A. Jesus’ popularity didn’t determine His mission. Mark 6:1; Luke 4:14-30 B. Jesus’ presence causes people to respond. Mark 6:2a III. Offence A. Sometimes it’s hard to admit the obvious. Mark 6:2b B. We can talk ourselves out of faith. Mark 6:3 IV. Without Honor A. Supposed familiarity breeds contempt. Mark 6:4 B. Jesus can still work in unbelieving environments. Mark 6:5 V. Amazed A. Jesus honors our response to Him. Matthew 8:5-13; Mark 6:6 B. Jesus is the author and perfecter of our faith. Mark 9:24; Hebrews 12:2 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Calling Mark 6:7-29 I. Intro Big Idea: God calls us to find life in His kingdom. II. Journey A. Jesus sends us out. Mathew 6:33; Mark 6:7-11 B. Jesus empowers us with the gospel. Mark 6:12-13 III. Feared A. Let people wrestle with Jesus. Mark 6:14-15 B. Herod loved sin more than truth. Leviticus 18:16; 20:2; Mark 6:16-20 IV. Right Now A. Lust causes compromise. Mark 6:21-24 B. Sin gives birth to death. Mark 6:25; Luke 23:8-12; James 1:15 V. Oaths A. Consider your first allegiance. Mark 6:26-28 B. Faith-filled service participates in eternal life. Psalm 116:15; Mathew 11:11; Mark 6:29 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Satisfied Mark 6:30-44 I. Intro Big Idea: Jesus provided so that the world may know our Provider. Genesis 22:1-14 II. Rest A. Jesus wants to hear our praise reports. Mark 6:30 B. Jesus knows we need rest. Mark 6:31 III. Compassion A. Sometimes the mission precedes rest. Mark 6:32-33 B. Jesus knows our needs. Mark 6:34 IV. Go and See A. Jesus wants us to grow in His compassion. Mark 6:35-37a B. The disciples forgot to include Jesus in their calculations. Mark 6:37b-38 V. Thanks A. Christ’s salvation is personal and public. Mark 6:39-41 B. Trusting Jesus satisfies. Mark 6:42-44; John 6:1-7 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Take Courage Mark 6:45-56 I. Intro Big Idea: God wants us to have a change of heart. II. Immediately A. Jesus didn’t want His disciples to conform to the crowd. Mark 6:45 B. Jesus wanted His disciples to be transformed by His Father. Mark 6:46; Romans 12:1-2 III. Terrified A. Following Jesus is hard. Mark 6:47-48a B. Jesus wants His disciples to see Him. Job 9:8; Mark 6:48b-50a IV. Completely Amazed A. In our struggle God reveals Himself. Mark 6:50b B. We’re in danger of hardening our hearts. Ezekiel 36:26; Mark 6:50-52; Hebrew 3:12-13 V. Healed A. Jesus draws people to Him. Mark 5:18-20; 6:53-55; John 6:44 B. Adoration cures hard heartedness. Matthew 14:33; Mark 5:25-34; 6:56; John 6:66-71 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
January 2025