Group Forum (Sunday, 9am - 10am)Each Sunday, in the Multipurpose Room, you’re invited to open the passage that will be delivered as a message the following week – and contribute to it. We will consider what it tells us about God, ourselves, what God has done/is doing in our lives, and how we can respond. No prior study is required. You can just show up. Or you can study in advance. The whole point is to see wonderful things in God’s Word, and to have a lot of fun in the process.
Men’s Ministry (First Sunday of the month, 7:30 am)Our men’s ministry at First Baptist Elma consists of a group that meets the first Sunday of the month at 7:30 am to interact with each other and God’s Word concerning man stuff. We believe that in order to be the men God created us to be, and our families need us to be – we must join in a strong bond with one another to sharpen and urge each other on in God’s purposes. We also take time each year to get away on retreat. This is a great time to rejuvenate, get to know each other better, and to be challenged and encouraged by quality speakers.
Hospitality MinistryOur hospitality ministry greets newcomers, visits the home-bound, and puts together social church functions. Every week our hospitality team prepares refreshments for all to enjoy before service. Each member plays a part in creating a welcoming atmosphere and humbly carries out our Lord's example recorded in Mark 10:45 of serving. If you would like to join our team, please contact us.
Gospel Community Group
Ladies Life Group
Ladies' life group meets Mondays at 10:30 at Chris Collin's home. Currently we are studying the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can be the most misunderstood person in the trinity. As we learn about the Holy Spirit through scripture, we can recognize His work in our lives. We grow in knowledge of the Lord and respond by growing to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. THIS GROUP IS NOT CURRENTLY MEETING. WILL RESUME IN APRIL |