SERMONS"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." -- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 |
The Cross Mark 8:27-9:1 I. Intro Big Idea: The cross comes before glory. II. The Messiah A. People have all sorts of ideas about Jesus’ identity. Mark 8:27-28 B. Jesus asked the most important question. Mark 8:29-30 III. Must Suffer A. We struggle with reality. Mark 8:31 B. If we don’t submit to Jesus, we follow Satan. Mark 8:32-33; 1 John 4:10 IV. He Called A. We can disassociate with our flesh. Mark 8:34 B. We can experience the deliverance of our souls. Mark 8:35-36 V. Glory A. We’re accountable for how we respond to Jesus. Mark 8:38; John 6:28-29 B. Seek first God’s kingdom. Mark 9:1; Hebrews 12:2 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Transfigured Mark 9:2-13 I. Intro Big Idea: Because Jesus was transfigured, we can be transformed. II. Before Them A. Jesus prepared His disciples by revealing His glory. Mark 9:2; 2 Peter 1:16-18 B. We’re accustom to settling for lesser glories. Malachi 4:4-5; Mark 9:3-4; Luke 24:44 III. The Cloud A. Fear can be good. Mark 9:5-6 B. God wants us to hear His Son. Mark 9:7; Romans 8:30 IV. Down the Mountain A. Jesus doesn’t want us to communicate an incomplete gospel. Mark 9:8-9; 1 Corinthians 15:14 B. Because Jesus went first, there will be a resurrection. Mark 9:10; 1 Corinthians 15:20-22 V. Restores A. Because Christ was rejected, we’re accepted. Matthew 11:14; Mark 9:11-12; John 1:14 B. Only God’s glory changes us. Mark 9:13 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Believe Mark 9:14-29 I. Intro Big Idea: Faith in Christ makes the impossible, possible. II. Arguing A. We continually try to justify ourselves. Mark 9:14-15 B. Apart from Jesus we can do nothing. Mark 9:16-18; John 15:5 III. How Long…? A. Apart from Jesus, we’re in trouble. Mark 9:19-20 B. Jesus is concerned with our whole story. Mark 5:21-34; 9:21-23; John 10:10 IV. Overcome A. All we need is a mustard seed amount of honest faith. Matthew 17:20; Mark 9:24 B. Jesus’ deliverance is complete. Mark 9:25; Luke 11:26 V. Lifted A. Don’t be afraid, believe in Jesus. Mark 5:35-43; 9:26-27 B. Prayer demonstrates faith. Mark 9:28-29 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Kingdom Mark 9:30-50 I. Intro. Big Idea: It’s impossible to enter the kingdom of God without a living faith in Christ. II. On the Road A. Discipleship is a process. Mark 9:30-32 B. God’s kingdom isn’t self-centered. Mark 9:30-34 III. Sitting Down A. Jesus came to turn our upside-down world, right side up. Mark 9:35 B. We tend to value the perishable instead of the imperishable. Mark 9:36-37; Philippians 2:1-4 IV. One of Us A. Christianity isn’t a clique. Mark 9:38 B. Our habits reveal our destiny. Matthew 6:19-21; Mark 9:39-41 V. If… A. God offers real choices, and real consequence. Mark 9:42-48; 1 John 2:19 B. Have a salty faith. Mark 9:49-50 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Marriage Mark 10:1-12 I. Intro Big Idea: God’s purpose for marriage is to proclaim the gospel. II. Tested A. Jesus wants all people to know what matters to God. Malachi 2:16; Mark 10:4; Romans 2:4 B. Faced with controversy, Jesus went to God’s Word. Mark 10:2-3 III. Permitted A. Jesus’ opponents weren’t interested in genuine marriage. Deuteronomy 24:1-4; Mark 10:4 B. Divorce was God’s permissive will, not His perfect will. Mark 10:5; Revelation 20:13-15 IV. One A. Marriage is about leaving and cleaving. Genesis 1:27; Mark 10:6-8 B. God brings us together. Genesis 3:16; Mark 10:9 V. Marry A. Marriage is meant to make us lean into God. Mark 10:10 B. God’s boundaries protect us. Matthew 19:9; Mark 10:11-12; 1 Corinthians 7:12-16 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Defiled Mark 7:1-23 I. Intro Big Idea: Our actions (or inactions) are a consequence of what’s in our hearts. II. Tradition A. Jesus is an agitator. Mark 7:1 B. The traditions of the Jews obscured the purpose of the Law. Leviticus 22:6-; Mark 7:2-4; Acts 17:28 III. In Vain A. God’s commands point us to our need for Him. Isaiah 29:13; Mark 7:5-8 B. Traditions cause us to harden our hearts toward God and others. Exodus 20:12; 21:17; Matthew 22:34; Mark 7:9-13; James 4:10 IV. Defile A. Outward conformity doesn’t change us inwardly. Mark 7:14-15 B. We need something revolutionary to happen within us. Mark 7:17-19; Acts 10:15; Hebrews 10:10 V. From Inside A. Our battle is not against flesh and blood. Mark 7:20-22; Ephesians 2:1, 8-9, 6:12 B. Acknowledge your need for a Savior. Mark 7:23; Romans 5:12, 2 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Who is Like Yahweh? (No Sermon Notes Available) Undefiled Mark 7:24-37 I. Intro Big Idea: Christ’s mercy is available for everyone who believes. II. His Presence A. Jesus went to hard places. Isaiah 51:4; Mark 7:24 B. We have no right to God’s mercy. Mark 7:25-26 III. A Reply A. Jesus wanted His disciples to witness real faith. Mark 7:27; 1 Corinthians 13:7; Hebrews 10:32-35 B. Jesus knew the woman would not be dissuaded. Matthew 23:13; Mark 7:28-30 IV. Opened A. People sought and found Jesus. Isaiah 60:3; Mark 7:31-32 B. Jesus knows what we need. Mark 7:33-35 V. Overwhelmed A. God works through our imperfections. Mark 7:36 B. Seek God’s mercy. Isaiah 35:5; Matthew 7:7-8; Mark 7:37 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up Any nicknames? What’s something from Sunday’s message you found meaningful, challenging, or confusing? What are some attributes of a good person according to our culture? Why did Jesus describe the woman from Syrian Phoenicia as having great faith (Matthew 15:28)? Do you consider yourself worthy of God’s blessing? Why or why not? How can the way we view ourselves affect the way we communicate our faith to others? What’s a way we can respond to Mark 7:24-37 as a church? What’s a specific area in your life in which you need Christ’s deliverance? Pray for one another. Sight Mark 8:1-26 I. Intro Big Idea: Seeing Jesus is an event, and a process. II. Gathered A. Christ’s compassion sets Him apart. Mark 8:1-5; 1 John 4:19 B. Christ’s provision satisfies. Mark 8:6-10 III. Sign A. A true prophet reveals truth from God. Mark 8:11 B. Jesus is the sign from heaven. Psalm 14:1; Matthew 16:4; Mark 8:12-13 IV. Be Careful A. The disciples couldn’t see beyond their immediate need. Mark 8:14-16 B. Jesus expects His disciples to remember Him. Mark 8:17-21; John 6:35 V. See A. Seeing Jesus happens in stages. Mark 8:22-24 B. Receive Christ’s touch. Mark 8:25-26 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Faith Mark 6:1-6 I. Intro Big Idea: Faith matters. II. Home A. Jesus’ popularity didn’t determine His mission. Mark 6:1; Luke 4:14-30 B. Jesus’ presence causes people to respond. Mark 6:2a III. Offence A. Sometimes it’s hard to admit the obvious. Mark 6:2b B. We can talk ourselves out of faith. Mark 6:3 IV. Without Honor A. Supposed familiarity breeds contempt. Mark 6:4 B. Jesus can still work in unbelieving environments. Mark 6:5 V. Amazed A. Jesus honors our response to Him. Matthew 8:5-13; Mark 6:6 B. Jesus is the author and perfecter of our faith. Mark 9:24; Hebrews 12:2 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Calling Mark 6:7-29 I. Intro Big Idea: God calls us to find life in His kingdom. II. Journey A. Jesus sends us out. Mathew 6:33; Mark 6:7-11 B. Jesus empowers us with the gospel. Mark 6:12-13 III. Feared A. Let people wrestle with Jesus. Mark 6:14-15 B. Herod loved sin more than truth. Leviticus 18:16; 20:2; Mark 6:16-20 IV. Right Now A. Lust causes compromise. Mark 6:21-24 B. Sin gives birth to death. Mark 6:25; Luke 23:8-12; James 1:15 V. Oaths A. Consider your first allegiance. Mark 6:26-28 B. Faith-filled service participates in eternal life. Psalm 116:15; Mathew 11:11; Mark 6:29 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Satisfied Mark 6:30-44 I. Intro Big Idea: Jesus provided so that the world may know our Provider. Genesis 22:1-14 II. Rest A. Jesus wants to hear our praise reports. Mark 6:30 B. Jesus knows we need rest. Mark 6:31 III. Compassion A. Sometimes the mission precedes rest. Mark 6:32-33 B. Jesus knows our needs. Mark 6:34 IV. Go and See A. Jesus wants us to grow in His compassion. Mark 6:35-37a B. The disciples forgot to include Jesus in their calculations. Mark 6:37b-38 V. Thanks A. Christ’s salvation is personal and public. Mark 6:39-41 B. Trusting Jesus satisfies. Mark 6:42-44; John 6:1-7 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Take Courage Mark 6:45-56 I. Intro Big Idea: God wants us to have a change of heart. II. Immediately A. Jesus didn’t want His disciples to conform to the crowd. Mark 6:45 B. Jesus wanted His disciples to be transformed by His Father. Mark 6:46; Romans 12:1-2 III. Terrified A. Following Jesus is hard. Mark 6:47-48a B. Jesus wants His disciples to see Him. Job 9:8; Mark 6:48b-50a IV. Completely Amazed A. In our struggle God reveals Himself. Mark 6:50b B. We’re in danger of hardening our hearts. Ezekiel 36:26; Mark 6:50-52; Hebrew 3:12-13 V. Healed A. Jesus draws people to Him. Mark 5:18-20; 6:53-55; John 6:44 B. Adoration cures hard heartedness. Matthew 14:33; Mark 5:25-34; 6:56; John 6:66-71 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Hope Luke 2:1-7 I. Intro Big Idea: The truth of Christmas is better than the image. II. Providence A. Christmas brings hope into focus. Isaiah 11:1-10; Luke 2:1 B. Christmas causes us to consider God’s timing. Luke 2:2; Romans 8:28; Hebrews 2:10 III. Bethlehem A. Sometimes we wonder why we must do certain things. Luke 2:3 B. Sometimes we wonder why we’re in certain places. Micah 5:2; Luke 2:4 IV. A Child A. Christmas can cause us to consider what matters most. Luke 2:5 B. In Christmas God gave us what we need most. Luke 2:6; Revelation 5:9; 13:8 V. Available A. We can receive God’s gift to us. Luke 2:7a B. We can make ourselves available for God’s purposes. Luke 2:7b The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Peace Luke 2:8-14 I. Intro Big Idea: Discover peace in God’s forgiveness. II. Glory A. The shepherds were unprepared to meet God. Luke 2:8 B. God’s glory broke into our world. Luke 2:9; Hebrews 1:14 III. Fear Not A. The angel displaced the shepherd’s fear. Luke 2:10a B. The gospel is not exclusive. Luke 2:10b; 2 Corinthians 6:1-2 IV. A Sign A. Jesus came to save us. Luke 2:11 B. It was uncommon to see a baby in a feeding trough. Luke 2:12 1 V. Favor A. We’re created to be at peace. Luke 2:13 B. God’s grace causes worship. Isaiah 53:1; Luke 2:14 Things to Consider
Joy Luke 2:15-20 I. Intro Big Idea: Seeking Jesus leads to joy. II. Let’s Go A. Seeking Jesus requires drastic measures. Luke 2:15a B. Consider the source. Luke 2:15b III. Hurried A. Seeking Jesus is costly. Luke 2:16; 2 Corinthians 6:2 B. Faith risks. Luke 2:17 IV. Ponder A. It’s possible to be amazed and not have faith. Luke 2:18 B. Faith treasures Christ. Luke 2:19; 1 Peter 1:17-21 V. Glorify A. Seeking Jesus transforms the ordinary. Luke 2:20a; 2 Corinthians 3:18 B. Seeking Jesus turns us right side up. Matthew 7:7; Luke 2:20b The Next Step
Love Luke 1:26-38 I. Intro Big Idea: God offers the burden of His love. II. Mary A. God broke into His broken creation. B. God trusted our salvation to a teenage girl. III. Favored A. God’s grace arrives in unexpected ways. B. God takes the initiative in revealing His love. IV. Conceive A. We need a perfect, infinite Savior. B. Jesus’ conception is unprecedented. V. Fulfilled A. Recognize you need a Savior. B. Respond to God’s work on your behalf. Follow-Up Questions
Character Traits Mark 5:21-43 Sermon Notes not available for this week.
Soil Mark 4:1-20 I. Intro Big Idea: If we’ve understood Jesus’ words to us, we respond in faith and repentance. II. By Parables A. A parable is a word picture of comparison. Mark 4:1-2 B. This parable determines whether we’ll understand all other parables. Mark 4:3-8 III. Hear A. People can’t understand God’s Word apart from His grace. Isaiah 6:9-10; Mark 4:9; Romans 9:20-22; 1 Corinthians 2:14 B. Everyone is responsible for understanding Jesus’ words. Mark 4:13 IV. Sown A. Ignorance is not bliss. Mark 4:14-17; Romans 1:20-21 B. Hearing and not responding to the word makes us unfruitful. Mark 4:18-19; John 15:5; Galatians 5:22-23 V. Good Soil A. Hear the word and accept it. Mark 4:20a B. God can do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine. Mark 4:20b; Ephesians 3:20-21 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Comparable Mark 4:21-34 Big Idea: Great is the kingdom. I. Let There Be Light! II. Seeds and Such… III. So, What? The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Calm Mark 4:35-41 I. Intro Big Idea: Overcome fear by fearing Jesus. II. Let’s Go A. Jesus commanded His disciples to go. Mark 4:35 B. This is a historical account. Mark 4:36 III. Storm A. Some storms are beyond us. Mark 4:37 B. We ask God the wrong questions. Mark 4:38 IV. Be Still A. Jesus works in all the elements of our lives. Psalm 65:5-8; 107:24-32; Mark 4:39a; Philippians 2:10-11 B. God is always calm. Mark 4:39b V. Obey Him A. Jesus rebukes us. Mark 4:40 B. Take Jesus at His word. Mark 4:41: Romans 6:4 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Delivered Mark 5:1-20 I. Intro Big Idea: We have a powerful enemy, but Jesus is more powerful. Ephesians 6:12 II. Impure A. All spirits are accountable to Jesus. Mark 5:1-2 B. Evil destroys. Mark 5:3-5; John 8:44; 2 Corinthians 6:14; Ephesians 4:27; 1 Peter 5:8 III. Permission A. Demons fear Jesus. Mark 5:6-10; Acts 19:1-22 B. Jesus has the last word. Mark 5:11-13 IV. Afraid A. The people were comfortable with Satan, not Jesus. Mark 5:14-15 B. Our choices have eternal consequences. Mark 5:16-17; Romans 1:24-25 V. Go A. If we’ve been delivered, we know enough to tell others. Mark 5:18-19; Luke 7:47 B. Obedience is freedom expressed. Mark 5:20; Mark 7:31-37
Scandal Mark 2:13-17 I. Intro Big Idea: Jesus only calls sinners. II. Teaching A. Jesus wants people to hear the gospel. Mark 2:13a; 1 Timothy 2:3-4 B. Jesus doesn’t turn people away. Mark 2:13b III. Follow A. Levi seemed like the least likely person to become a disciple. Mark 2:14a; Romans 4:17; Ephesians 2:1 B. Levi heard something he’d never heard before. Mark 2:14b IV. Eating A. Jesus invites sinners to dinner. Mark 2:15a B. Christ’s followers eat with sinners. Mark 2:15b; Luke 18:9-14 V. Healthy A. Let Jesus judge you. Mark 2:16 B. Respond to Jesus calling. Mark 2:17 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Sabbath Mark 2:18-28 I. Intro Big Idea: To know God’s rest, put Christ first. II. Fasting A. We can’t win grace by works. Mark 2:18; Romans 11:6 B. We can fast because Christ was taken. Mark 2:19-20 III. New A. The gospel is mismatched with everything else. Mark 2:21; John 1:12 B. The gospel breaks us. Mark 2:22 IV. Lawful A. Focusing on rules leads to unrest. Mark 2:23-24 B. Our Priest offers Himself. 1 Samuel 21:1-9; Mark 2:25-26; John 6:25-59 V. Rest A. We’re made to rest in Christ. Mark 2:27 B. Submit to the Lord. Mark 2:28; Galatians 5:22-23 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Restore Mark 3:1-6 I. Intro Big Idea: God sent Jesus to restore us. II. Sabbath A. Going to synagogue was the high point of their religious week. Mark 3:1 B. The Pharisees guarded the Sabbath instead of enjoying it. Mark 3:2 III. Stand Up A. Jesus puts us on the spot. Mark 3:3 B. Jesus judges. Mark 3:4; Luke 13:10-17; John 3:17-21 IV. Hearts A. Jesus gets angry. Mark 3:5a B. Jesus has the power to restore. Isaiah 1:18; Mark 3:5b V. Jesus A. We either plot to kill Jesus or exalt Him as God. Mark 3:6 B. Tell the truth in love. Ephesians 4:15 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Strength Mark 3:7-34 I. Intro Big Idea: Strength is found in responding to Jesus as Lord. II. Crowd A. Jesus’ presence brings healing. Mark 3:7-10 B. Jesus isn’t merely a good teacher. Mark 3:11-12; Hebrews 1:3 III. Appointed A. Jesus calls us to Him. Mark 3:13; Luke 6:12; John 13:6-9 B. Jesus gave His disciples His authority. Mark 3:14-18; 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 IV. Divided A. Jesus was willing to be misunderstood. Mark 3:20-22 B. Jesus is stronger than whatever the enemy throws at us. Mark 3:23-30; 1 John 4:4 V. God’s Will A. Our allegiance isn’t ultimately to our earthly ties. Mark 3:31-32 B. You are welcome into a new family. Psalm 27:10; Mark 3:33-35; Ephesians 3:14-21 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Gifts 1 Corinthians 12:1-31 I. Intro Big Idea: We demonstrate Christ’s love by using our gifts in unity. II. The Difference A. God’s Spirit makes a difference. 1 Corinthians 12:1-3 B. God’s Spirit creates a diverse unity. 1 Corinthians 12:4 III. Manifest A. God gives gifts to benefit others for His glory. 1 Corinthians 12:7-11; 14:25, 40 B. Our worth is found in honoring Christ’s body. Romans 12:10; 1 Corinthians 12:12-14 IV. Belong A. Every believer has a gift. 1 Corinthians 12:15-20 B. Everyone’s gift matters. 1 Corinthians 12:21-26 V. Excellence A. Consider what moves you. 1 Corinthians 12:27 B. Think about your role. 1 Corinthians 12:28 C. Ask the community. 1 Corinthians 12:29-31 Things to Consider
Prepare Mark 1:1-8 I. Intro Big Idea: Repentance prepares us for Christ's work. II. Good News A. Mark shows who Jesus is. Mark 1:1 B. In preparing to meet Jesus, we meet God. Isaiah 40:1-3; Malachi 3:1; Mark 1:2-3 III. Repentance A. Repentance is a good thing. Mark 1:4 B. We need to repent. Mark 1:5 IV. Clothing A. John identified as a prophet. 2 Kings 1:8; Mark 1:6 B. John decreased. Mark 1:7; John 3:30 V. Baptized A. Be baptized. Mark 1:8a B. Be made new. Mark 1:8b; 2 Corinthians 5:17 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Follow Mark 1:9-20 I. Intro Big Idea: Jesus calls us to follow in the path of His righteousness. II. Pleased A. In fulfilling all righteousness Jesus identified with us. Matthew 3:13-15; Mark 1:9; Hebrews 1:1-2 B. God doesn’t need us. Mark 1:10-11 III. Sent A. Sometimes the Spirit leads us into hard places. Mark 1:12 B. We can obey. Mark 1:13; 1Corinthians 10:13; Hebrews 4:15 IV. Time A. God’s timing is perfect. Matthew 11:28-30; Mark 1:14 B. Living under Christ’s rule has consequences. Matthew 11:28-30; Mark 1:15 V. Called A. We can extend the grace we’ve received. Jeremiah 16:16; Matthew 19:10; Mark 1:16-18 B. Being a Christian means following Christ. Mark 1:19-20; Luke 14:2 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Conflict Mark 1:21-45 I. Intro Big Idea: Deliverance occurs because of Jesus’ authority. John 16:33 II. Authority A. Jesus’ words are different. Mark 1:21-24; James 2:19 B. Jesus doesn’t need a formula. Mark 1:27-28; 2 Timothy 2:24-26; Revelation 12:11 III. Healing A. Jesus healing was instantaneous. Mark 1:29-31; John 9:1-12 B. Jesus is always in control. Mark 1:32-34; John 3:20 IV. Focus A. In crisis Jesus sought His Father. Mark 1:35-37 B. The gospel delivers. Matthew 7:21-23; Mark 1:38-39 V. Testimony A. Jesus is willing to make us clean. Mark 1:40-42 B. Instead of gossip, offer the gospel. Mark 1:43-45 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Forgiveness Mark 2:1-12 I. Intro Big Idea: Jesus has the authority to forgive sins. II. Crowds A. Jesus had a reputation for changing lives. Mark 2:1 B. Jesus focused on the gospel. Mark 2:2 III. Faith A. Faith and action go together. Matthew 11:28-30; Mark 2:3-4; Ephesians 2:8-10; James 2:26 B. Forgiveness matters most. Mark 2:5; Luke 15:10; Hebrews 4:13 IV. Authority A. Jesus proved He is God. Psalm 139:2; Mark 2:8-9 B. Jesus verified our forgiveness. Daniel 7:13-14; Mark 2:10-11 V. Praise A. Jesus offers a new life through giving us a new heart. Mark 2:12a B. We’ve never seen anyone like Jesus! Exodus 20:3-4; Mark 2:12b The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Devoted Acts 2:42-47 I. Intro Big Idea: God’s plan to turn the world upside down is to do extraordinary things through the ordinary acts of His people in worship. II. Awe A. The church found itself in Christ’s commands. Acts 2:42; 1 Corinthians 11:17-34; 1 John 4:19 B. Responding to Christ’s commands leads to awe of Him. John 4:23; Acts 2:43 III. Everything in Common A. The early church treasured their interdependence. Acts 2:44 B. Giving to each other is giving to God. Acts 2:45 IV. Together A. Genuine worship inspires worship. Acts 2:46a B. Love is not learned alone. Acts 2:46b V. Saved A. It’s easy to communicate about something we love. Acts 2:47a B. God works through people consumed by His grace. John 15:5; Acts 2:47b Things to Consider
Annual Community Church at the Fair. The Compassion Component Job 2:1-13 Preached by Elder Doug Collin Sermon Outline not available this week. However, the audio for the sermon is available in the link above. Worship John 4:1-26 I. Intro Big Idea: True worship takes place on God’s terms. II. Tired A. It’s possible to be mistaken about God. John 4:1-3 B. Jesus came to identify with us in every way. John 4:4-6; Hebrews 4:15 III. Drawing A. Jesus met the woman in her isolation. John 4:7-9 B. We can’t manufacture what we need most. John 4:10-15 IV. Come Back A. Jesus knows the truth about us. John 4:16-18 B. People tend to avoid reality. John 4:19-20 V. Truth and Spirit A. Ask Jesus to show you yourself. Psalm 139:23-24; John 4:21-24 B. Ask Jesus to show you Himself. John 4:25-26 Things to Consider
Honor Esther 6:1-14 I. Intro Big Idea: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” James 4:6 II. Sleepless A. God never naps. Esther 6:1-2; Psalm 121:1-4 B. Even if others forget, God remembers. Esther 6:3 III. Royal Robe A. We’re made for glory. Esther 6:4-5 B. God offers a better robe. Esther 6:6-9; Proverbs 16:18; Luke 15:11-32 IV. Proclamation A. God is just. Esther 6:10 B. God is just, and gracious. Esther 6:11 V. Prepared A. Don’t gloat, give thanks. Esther 6:12 B. Don’t worry, God is faithful. Esther 6:13-14; Romans 8:26 Things to Consider
Hanged Esther 7:1-10 I. Intro Big Idea: God’s justice is perfect. II. Request A. Obedience builds confidence. Esther 7:1-2 B. Words have power. Esther 7:3-4 III. Adversary A. Pride blinds. Esther 7:5-6 B. God turns the table. Esther 7:7; Galatians 6:7 IV. Wrath A. If we establish our identity, we will lose it. Esther 7:8; Luke 17:33 B. Seeking God changes our perspective. Esther 7:9-10; Psalms 73:16-17 V. Rescue A. There are ultimate consequences. Genesis 18:15; John 3:36 B. Don’t worry, ask God. Matthew 7:7-8; Philippians 4:6 Things to Consider
Triumph Esther 8:1-9:17 I. Intro Big Idea: God’s vengeance gives rest. Deuteronomy 25:18-19 II. Plea A. God’s timing is everything. Esther 8:1-2 B. Esther became others focused. Esther 8:3-6 III. Decree A. Grace overrules our judgments. Esther 8:7-8 B. Protecting people from evil is good. Esther 8:9-14 IV. Fear A. God rewards with awe of Him. Esther 8:15-9:4 B. God repays. Esther 9:5-17 in Deuteronomy 32:35; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 V. Rest A. God’s vengeance is satisfied in Christ. Matthew 27:47-56; Romans 5:9-10 B. The gospel delivers. 2 Corinthians 10:4 Things to Consider
Celebrate Esther 9:18-10:3 I. Intro Big Idea: God has called us to celebrate His deliverance. John 15:10-12 II. Observe A. Have a good day. Esther 9:18-19; Romans 2:4; 1 Corinthians 10:23-33 B. Holidays remind us why we exist. Esther 9:20-22 III. Prescribed A. God’s joy is not self-generated. Esther 9:23-26 B. Unless we stop, we won’t remember. Joshua 4:1-7; Esther 9:26-28 IV. Full Authority A. We all leave a legacy. Esther 9:29-31 B. Promote God’s grace. Esther 9:32; John 10:10 V. Preeminent A. Jesus is a greater Savior than Mordecai! Esther 10:1-2 B. Remain faithful. Esther 10:3 Things to Consider
Deposed Esther 1:1-22 I. Intro Big Idea: We either conform to our culture or trust an unseen God. II. Reign A. People try to display their worth through possessions. Esther 1:1-2 B. Xerxes was selfishly generous. Esther 1:3-8 III. Furious A. Our culture says pose or be deposed. Esther 1:9-11 B. Controlling behavior leads to being out of control. Esther 1:12 IV. Law A. We gain worth from others. Esther 1:13-14 B. Distance from God leads to insane expectations. Esther 1:15-19 V. The King A. God is working out a better future. Esther 1:19-20 B. God is powerfully present. Esther 1:21-22; Matthew 27:46 Things to Consider
Favor Esther 2:1-18 I. Intro Big Idea: Our decisions matter. Romans 6:15-18 II. Advice A. We can’t take back our wrongs. Esther 2:1 B. Distractions don’t deliver. Esther 2:2-4; Romans 6:23 III. Entrusted A. We all have a calling. Esther 2:5-7 B. It’s easy to get caught in the current of culture. Esther 2:8-9; James 1:13-15 IV. Revealed A. Faith is hard. Esther 2:10-11 B. Tough circumstances reveal the content of our faith. Esther 2:12-14 V. Taken A. Submission to sin doesn’t change anything for the better. Esther 2:15-16 B. We can live differently. Esther 2:17-18 Things to Consider
Conspiracy Esther 2:19-3:15 I. Intro Big Idea: We can trust and obey God in uncertain times. II. True A. God puts us in the right place at the right time to do the right thing. Esther 2:19-20 B. Right motives matter. Esther 2:21-23; Romans 13:1-7 III. Honor A. Mordecai dishonored the dishonorable. Exodus 17:8-16; Deuteronomy 25:17-18; Esther 3:1-4 B. Pride leads to disproportionate responses. Esther 3:5-6 IV. Certain People A. God knows the outcome of seemingly random events. Esther 3:7; Proverbs 16:33; John 10:10 B. Pride seeks constant validation. Esther 3:8-11 V. Commands A. We live on a battlefield. 2 Chronicles 20:15; Esther 3:12-14 B. Have confidence in overcoming evil. Esther 3:15; Romans 16:20 Things to Consider
Providence Esther 4:1-17 I. Intro Big Idea: We’re born to make a difference. II. Clothes A. Mordecai could no longer sit on the fence. Esther 4:1-3 B. Esther was unaware of the pending destruction. Esther 4:4-5 III. The Cost A. We don’t live unless we’re willing to die. Esther 4:6-8 B. Timidity is a form of pride. Esther 4:9-11 IV. Time A. There’s time that passes and there’s time that matters. Esther 4:12-13; Ephesians 5:16 B. Someone cares more than we do. Genesis 22:18; Esther 4:14; Romans 5:6-8 V. Perish A. Take part in true fasting. Esther 4:15-16; Isaiah 58:1-5; John 4:31-38 B. Influence others by living in time that matters. Esther 4:17 Things to Consider
Request Esther 5:1-14 I. Intro Big Idea: We either try to justify ourselves, or trust in God’s justification. Isaiah 26:3; 1 John 4:18 II. Pleasing A. Esther was gorgeously honorable. Esther 5:1-2; 1 Peter 3:1-4 B. God is a different King. Esther 5:3; Proverbs 21:1 III. Shrewd A. Because God is in control, we can be wise. Esther 5:4-5; Matthew 10:16 B. Esther’s submission gave her self-control. Esther 5:6-8; Galatians 5:22-23 IV. No Satisfaction A. Only pride restrained Haman. Esther 5:9-10 B. Pride never leads to peace. Esther 5:11-13 V. The Banquet A. We either feed our flesh or kill it. Esther 5:14; Colossians 3:5-10 B. Receive a better kingdom. Matthew 22:1-14: Hebrews 4:16 Things to Consider
January 2025