SERMONS"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." -- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 |
He is Risen
Mark 16:1-8 I. Intro Big Idea: The resurrection authenticates Christ’s words to us. John 2:22 II. After Sunrise A. The women expected Jesus to be dead. Mark 16:1-2 B. The women had forgotten Jesus’ words. Matthew 16:21; Mark 16:2-3 III. The Tomb A. God created the stone He rolled away. Mark 16:4 B. The witnesses to the resurrection did not collaborate. Mark 16:5 IV. Risen A. Jesus’ tomb is still empty! Mark16:6 B. Jesus goes before us. Mark 16:7 V. Trauma and Ecstasy A. Discipleship is messy. Mark 16:8a B. This account is still unfolding. Mark 16:8b, 9-20 The Next Step
Mark 15:21-47 I. Intro Big Idea: Jesus was humiliated, rejected, and suffered death – to save us. II. Humiliated A. Jesus’ death was meant to demoralize. Psalm 22:16-18; Mark 15:21-26 B. Jesus’ death delivers from shame. Mark 15:27-32; Luke 23:39-43 III. Rejected A. Jesus’ death separated Him from God. Psalm 22:1; Habakkuk 1:13; Mark 15:33-34 B. Jesus’ death was complete. Mark 15:35-37; John 19:30 IV. Death A. Jesus’ death opens the way to life. Mark 15:38-39 B. Jesus’ death can change us. Mark 15:40-45 V. Preparation A. We can’t out give God. Mark 15:46 B. Jesus died to bring you to God. Mark 15:47; 1 Peter 3:18 The Next Step
Mark 15:1-20 I. Intro Big Idea: Jesus judges us. Acts 17:31 II. Plans A. The Jewish leaders needed a Roman ruling to murder Jesus. Mark 15:1 B. Jesus is the Lord of life. Mark 15:2-5; Luke 23:2 III. The Custom A. Barabbas was the kind of savior people want. Mark 15:6-8 B. Self-interest always rejects Jesus. Mark 15:9-11 IV. Committed A. Jesus didn’t meet the crowd’s expectations. Mark 15:12-14 B. Pilate feared people more than God. Mark 15:15 V. Homage A. Someday we will all bow before King Jesus. Mark 15:16-19; Philippians 2:9-11 B. Jesus came to save us. Mark 15:20; 1 Corinthians 4:2-4 The Next Step
Mark 14:53-72 I. Intro Big Idea: Self-confidence leads to disillusionment, but faith in Christ leads to deliverance. II. False Testimony A. Peter’s commitment was about him. Mark 14:53-54 B. Jesus testimony was flawless. Mark 14:55-59; John 2:19, 18:13 III. Condemned A. Jesus had nothing to prove. Mark 14:60-61a B. Jesus truthfully declared Himself our Judge. Daniel 7:13-14; Mark 14:61b-62 IV. Blasphemy A. The high priest’s devotion was a show. Mark 14:63-64; John 3:1-21 B. Jesus humbled Himself but would soon be exalted. Mark 14:65 V. Remember A. Peter defended himself. Matthew 26:73; Mark 14:66-71; Luke 22:61 B. Jesus restores. Matthew 16:18; Mark 14:72; Luke 22:32; John 1:42; Ephesians 5:27; 1 Peter 5:10 The Next Step
Mark 14:43-52 I. Intro Big Idea: Jesus was arrested so we could be set free. John 8:32 II. Judas A. Judas had a busy night. Mark 14:43a; John 13:27 B. The crowd came to illegally arrest Jesus as a criminal. Mark 14:43b III. A Signal A. Judas betrayed Jesus with fake affection. Mark 14:44-45 B. Peter waged a worldly war. Matthew 26:53; Mark 14:29, 46; Luke 22:38, 51; John 18:10 IV. Fulfilled A. Jesus confronted injustice with truth. Isiah 53:12; Mark 14:48-49; Luke 22:37 B. Jesus stood alone. Mark 14:50 V. Following Jesus A. Good intentions are not enough. Mark 14:51-52; Luke 9:23 B. Jesus took our punishment. Isaiah 53:5; Romans 4:7 The Next Step
The Hour
Mark 14:27-42 I. Intro Big Idea: We would all forsake Christ, if He were not forsaken for us. II. Scattered A. The Shepherd came to purify and regather His little ones. Zechariah 13:7; Mark 14:27-28 B. Failure is a hard, but effective teacher. Mark 14:29-31 III.Gethsemane A. Jesus depended on God and others. Genesis 2:18; Mark 14:32-34 B. Jesus would not be holy if He were not averse to sin. Mark 14:35-36; Luke 22:44; Hebrews 5:7-8 IV. Asleep A. We cannot obey God in our flesh. Mark 14:37-38; Luke 22:45 B. We have no way to justify ourselves. Mark 14:39-40 V. Delivered A. Jesus expects us to stay awake. Mark 13:37,14:41a B. Jesus faced death in victory. Mark 14:41b-42 And because He did, so can we! The Next Step
Mark 14:12-26 I. Intro Big Idea: Jesus prepared a meal for us at God’s table. II. Customary A. God planned the Passover. Mark 14:12; Hebrews 10:14 B. Jesus planned to eat the Passover with His disciples. Mark 14:13-16 III. Woe A. Someone close to Jesus betrayed Him. Psalm 41:9; Mark 14:17-20; John 13:18 B. There’s something worse than death. Mark 14:21; John 13:27; Romans 7:24-25; Hebrews 10:28-30 IV. Given A. Jesus gave Himself. Mark 14:22; 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 B. Even Judas drank from the cup. Mark 14:23-24; 1 Corinthians 11:25, 27; Hebrews 10:4 V. New A. Jesus knew He would overcome death. Mark 14:25 B. The cross comes before glory. Mark 14:26; Hebrews 12:2 The Next Step
Mark 14:1-11 I. Intro Big Idea: The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself in love. Galatians 5:6 II. Scheming A. People love darkness. Mark 14:1; John 3:19 B. The religious leaders feared people. Mark 14:2; Romans 1:24 III. Expensive A. Mary knew Jesus’ true worth. Mark 14:3; John 12:3 B. Darkness hates genuine faith. Mark 14:4-5; John 12:4-6; 15:8 IV. Prepare A. Jesus exalts the humble. Matthew 23:12; Mark 14:6-7; Colossians 1:13 B. Mary exalted Jesus as King. Mark 14:8-9 V. Opportunity A. Jesus knows and judges our intentions. Psalm 44: Mark 14:10 B. Jesus paid for our betrayal. Mark 14:11 The Next Step
Mark 13:28-37 I. Intro Big Idea: Watching means working by faith. II. Learn A. Expect change. Mark 13:28-29 B. Jesus keeps His word. Mark 13:30-31; Luke 21:23-24; Romans 11:1-36 III. No One Knows A. No one knows! Mark 13:32 B. You do not know! Mark 13:33 VI. Assigned A. Focus on our task, not timetables. Mark 13:34 B. Readiness reveals trust. Mark 13:35 V. Suddenly A. Don’t sleep on Jesus. Mark 13:36; Ephesians 5:8-15 B. We’re all called to watch. Mark 13:37 The Next Step
Mark 13:14-27 I. Intro Big Idea: Jesus is Lord in and over all time. II. Flee A. The desecration of the sacred signaled the need for flight. Daniel 9:27; 11:31; 12:1; Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10 B. For Christians there’s no going back. Matthew 23:37; Mark 13:15-18 III. Unequaled A. The destruction of Jerusalem was absolute. Jeremiah 30:7; Daniel 12:1; Mark 13:19 B. God is merciful. Mark 13:20 IV. False A. We must cling to the truth, not signs. Matthew 16:4; Mark 13:21-22; 1 Corinthians 1:22-23 B. Preparing for the future means remembering the past. Mark 13:23 V. Son of Man A. Jesus will return with power. Mark 13:24-25; 2 Peter 3:10 B. Jesus will gather His own. Danial 7:13; Mark 13:26-27; Mark 14:62 The Next Step
January 2025