SERMONS"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." -- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 |
Resurrection Acts 17:16-34 I. Intro A. Big Idea: Because of Jesus Christ we can partake in everlasting worship. II. Babbler A. The Athenians believed life would go well if they made proper sacrifices. Exodus 20:4; Psalm 115:8; Acts 17:16 B. Everyone has a worldview. Acts 17:17-21; 2 Corinthians 10:4 III. Offspring A. Paul politely addressed their obliviousness. Acts 17:22-23 B. What makes God different? 1. God is the Maker of everything. Acts 17:24 2. God doesn’t need anything from us. Acts 17:25 3. God made us to know Him. Acts 17:26-27 4. God made the way for us to know Him. Acts 17:29-30 IV. Turn A. We all have a sense of ultimate accountability. Acts 17:31 B. The resurrection proves God has the power to rescue us. Acts 17:31 V. Engage A. Instead of withdrawing, we can engage people. Acts 17:32 B. Love matters. Acts 17:32-3 Unstoppable Acts 19:1-4 I. Intro Big Idea: The gospel is unstoppable. Acts 18:1-11 II. More Adequate A. Apollos believed in Jesus but was missing critical information about how He saves. Acts 18:19-25 B. Priscilla and Aquila spoke up because the gospel was at stake. Acts 18:26-28 III. Hadn’t Heard A. Somehow the Ephesians’ faith seemed incomplete. Acts 19:1-3 B. Luke underlines the difference between “try harder” Christianity and trusting Christ. Acts 1:8; 19:4-7; Colossians 3:5, 10 IV. Good News Travels A. There’s only one way to enter God’s kingdom. John 14:6; Acts 19:8-9 B. The people who received the gospel couldn’t keep it to themselves. Acts 19:9b-10 V. Positive Troubles A. The gospel makes a continual difference in our lives. Acts 19:17-20 B. Dead ends can lead to new life in Christ. Acts 19:24-28, 32 Commitment Acts 20:13-37 I. Intro Big Idea: True community comes through commitment and sacrifice. II. Greatly Comforted A. Christian unity is community on purpose. John 3:16; Acts 20:1-6 B. The gospel calls us to wake up! Acts 20:7-12 III. Compelled A. Commitment within community starts with leadership. Acts 20:16-21; 1 Thessalonians 2:8 B. Paul’s commitment reflected the reality of the gospel. Ecclesiastes 1:2; Acts 20:22-24 IV. Sanctified A Unless unity is grounded in truth no one will be set free. Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4; John 17:17; Acts 20:25; Galatians 5:23 B. In Christ we can learn to trust. Acts 20:28-31 V. Accompanied A Spending ourselves leads to relational riches. Acts 20:35 B. Take hold of that which first took hold of you in Christ. Acts 20:36-37; Philippians 3:12-14 Overcome Acts 22:1-30 I. Intro Big Idea: In Christ we can exchange fear for hope. II. Background A. Paul already considered himself dead. Acts 20; 21:23-24; Romans 8:36 B. Paul was a peacemaker but ended up starting another riot. Acts 21:26-36 III. Fear and Hope A. In fear we generally have three choices: fight, flight, or freeze. Acts 21:40; 22:1-2 B. We never talk ourselves out of fear, but Jesus’ calls us into hope. Acts 22:3- 21 IV. Citizenship A. Why fear when your citizenship is secure? Acts 22:22-28; Ephesians 3:20 B. Paul’s citizenship in heaven drove him beyond his fears. Acts 22:29; Colossians 3:2; 1John 4:18 V. Stand A. Have fellowship with our Savior. Acts 22:33; Hebrews 12:1-3; 1 Peter 3:18 B. Be prepared. 1 Peter 3:15-16 Clear Acts 23:11; 24:1-26 Big Idea: A clear conscience leads to seeing God. Acts 23:11 II. Charges A. Anyone can rationalize anything. Acts 24:1-3 B. Tertullus wasn’t interested in the truth. Acts 24:4-9 III. Resurrection A. Paul’s opponents were also hoping for the resurrection? Acts 24:10-16 B. If the resurrection is true, that means we’re all accountable to God. Acts 24:17-21 IV. Acquainted A. Felix knew all about Christianity, but he didn’t know Christ. Acts 24:22-23 B. They could’ve missed the cost of salvation, and what it means to be saved! Acts 24:24-25 V. Priorities A. Don’t wait. Acts 24:25; 2 Corinthians 6:2 B. Be found in God’s favor. Acts 24:26-2
February 2025