SERMONS"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." -- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 |
Gospel Part 1 Romans 10:1-15 I. Intro Big Idea: We must confess Christ as Savior from the heart. Matthew 7:21-23. II. Culmination A. We must be perfect. Matthew 5:48; Romans 10:1-3 B. We over estimate ourselves and under estimate God. John 17:3; Romans 10:4 III. Near A. Jesus accomplished our salvation. John 19:30; Romans 10:5-7; Hebrews 10:10 B. Be still. Psalm 46:10; Romans 10:8-9; Philippians 2:6-8 IV. No Difference A. Anyone can be delivered from shame. Romans 10:10-11 B. Know perfect love. Joel 2:32; Romans 10:12-13; 1 John 4:18 V. Beautiful Feet A. Some have not heard. Romans 10:14 B. Bring good news. Romans 10:15 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
The Gospel Part 2 Romans 10:16-21 I. Intro Big Idea: Shine in dark times by holding firmly to the word of life. Philippians 2:15-16 II. Hearing A. God’s ways are not our ways. Isaiah 53:5; 55:8; Romans 10:16 B. Lean into the gospel. Romans 10:17 III. Understanding A. Everyone hears God’s Word. Psalm 19:1-4; Matthew 10:16; Romans 1:20,10:18 B. Our response to the Word reveals our hearts. Romans 5:8; 10:19 IV. Boldly A. We gather to go out in grace. Romans 10:20 B. It’s not about the results. Romans 9:6; Isaiah 6:1-10 V. Proclaiming A. God continually calls His people. Romans 10:21 B. Proclaim the message of the war already won. The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Faithful Romans 11:1-24 I. Intro Big Idea: God is faithful. II. Remnant A. Faith is a lonely proposition. Romans 11:1-3 B. By grace we’re not alone. Romans 11:4-6 III. Table A. Misplaced desire makes us miss what we need. Romans 11:7-8 B. God sets a better table. Romans 11:9-10 IV. Riches A. Stumbling upends pride. Romans 11:11-12 B. Humility quickens hope. Romans 11:13-16 V. Tremble A. Don’t wait to repent. Romans 11:17-22 B. God restores. Romans 11:23-24 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Mystery Romans 11:25-36 I. Intro Big Idea: God is merciful. Isaiah 40:22; Romans 7:21-25, 8:1 II. Saved A. God wants us to understand His plan. Romans 11:25; 2 Peter 3:8 B. God is looking for humility. Romans 11:26-27 III. Irrevocable A. God loves His enemies. Matthew 5:22; Romans 5:10, 11:28; 1 John 3:15 B. The gift of eternal life is eternal. Romans 11:29 IV. Bound A. Failure isn’t the end of the story. Romans 11:30-31 B. God offers an opportunity for us to receive mercy. Romans 11:32 V. Unsearchable A. God doesn’t need anything from us. Romans 11:33-35 B. Live in awe of God. Romans 11:36; Philippians 4:8-9 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
Sacrifice Romans 12:1-8 I. Intro Big Idea: We find Christ amid sacrificial service. II. Living Dead A. God’s mercy motivates. Romans 12:1a B. God is all-consuming. Romans 12:1b; Hebrews 12:28-29 III. Pleasing A. The world’s pattern is self-consuming. John 10:10; Romans 12:2a; 1 Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 2:1-3 B. God’s will isn’t a mystery. Romans 12:2b IV. Belong A. Be Christ-centered. Romans 12:3 B. Every believer has a gift. Romans 12:4-5 V. Believe A. Our gifts are a gift. Romans 12:6 B. Use your gift. Romans 12:7-8 The Next Step Life Group Follow-Up
January 2025